However when our family of 4 goes/went when all is said and done it's close to $80. So if taking the kids to the movie theater is going to disappear there's some downside to it. I believe when you go somewhere a memory can be firmer over time. In 2021 with the movie industry distribution system, ie going to movie theaters, is in a state of flux and going with your kids to a weekend movie at the theater may disappear. I think I have about 5 movies in my life that fall into this category.
I am writing this more as sharing a few movies in my life have been associated with events rather than the movie itself. For some reason the event is a memory for me as one of the last movies I went to with her as a 'kids' movie. Left the theater thinking the movie was so-so, but my daughter liked it. I saw this movie with my daughter when she was young. Sorry but this is a self-indulgent review but I felt compelled.