No state can exist if its citizens do not have confidence in it and its institutions. There is no substitute for Israel's democracy, and there is no substitute for its state institutions, and therefore the loss of confidence keeps me awake at night. Isaac Herzog, President of the State of Israel: 'The fall in Israeli citizens' confidence in state institutions is deeply troubling. The Democracy Index, an annual publication for the past nineteen years, reveals a complex picture regarding the level of public trust in key institutions and officials, confidence in the country's civil service and the overall strength of Israeli democracy. Tamar Hermann, Director of IDI's Viterbi Family Center for Public Opinion and Policy Research, presented President Isaac Herzog with the Israeli Democracy Index for 2021 today (Thursday). (Jerusalem, January 6, 2022) Yohanan Plesner, President of the Israel Democracy Institute, and Prof. The 2021 Democracy Index reveals a complex picture regarding the level of public trust in key institutions and officials, 46% of respondents say that tensions between Jews and Arabs is the fiercest tension in Israeli society